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  • Educational Meeting

    Weekly educational meetings are organised to train members to be speakers and future leaders.

  • Camaraderie

    Share, learn and grow together as fellow Gavel Club members from all the schools in Sibu

  • Internationally Recognised

    Diamond Speakers Gavel Club is an affiliate of Toastmasters International which is Internationally known and its leadership and communication programmes are recognised worldwide.

  • Professional Trainers

    Professional and certified trainers and speakers will provide speech-crafts and special training sessions on how to improve your speaking and presentation skills

  • Master English

    Improve your vocabulary and English proficiency skills through helpful guidance from fellow teachers and members

Saturday, 20 April 2013


ECCENTRIC adjective

1. deviating from an established or usual pattern or style (eccentric products)

2. deviating from conventional or accepted usage or conduct especially in odd or whimsical ways (eccentric millionaires)
3. deviating from a circular path; especially :elliptical (an eccentric orbit) 

  • He was a kind but eccentric man.
  • She's become more eccentric over the years
  • The television theme was recorded in a wonderfully eccentric studio, which looked like a throwback to the 60's.
bizarre, funny, offbeat, strange, wacky  weirdo

* A word of the day will be introduced during the educational meeting and everyone is encouraged to use the word in speeches. The grammarian will take note who and how many times he/she has used the word throughout the meeting.


      Once again our educational meeting was a success! Our ever lovely Phoebe as Toastmaster of the Evening, lead the Gaveliers into fun-filled sessions. We all enjoyed the Humour session, Li Xuan never fails to make us laugh and reminds me to take a break from hectic weekdays in school. Jokes told from life experiences are always enlightening. Love to hear more next meeting!

All the speakers prepared and presented well. It's surprising how we can know more about an individual when we hear them speak. Nathan, today even volunteered in Table Topics Session! (We thought that's not quite possible as he was really shy). Great job Nathan as well as all the role players and speakers!

Amir, a soft-spoken and humorous guy, handled the Table Topics Session with interesting topics. One of the topics was 

'Beauty or Intelligence, which one will you choose?'

Gaveliers shared their point of view. Choosing intelligence is wise because we can always go for plastic surgery was an interesting point. I have never really thought of going for plastic surgery until then. For guys, looking for a beautiful partner and turn them into an intelligent person is a better choice. That it something new. 

For ladies, both are equally important and to achieve that, being intelligent enable us to get what we dream of. Dressing ourselves and applying makeup need some skills and knowing latest fashion. Mix matching them all together is another. Knowing how to get the latest hottest product or clothe too need some skills. 

In conclusion, a lady who walks confidently and present herself well is intelligent. 

What do you think?

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

9th Educational Meeting

Date: 13 April 2013 (Saturday)
Time: 2.00 pm - 4.00 pm
Venue: SMK Kampung Nangka
Attire: School Uniform

8th Educational Meeting

Date: 6 April 2013 (Saturday)
Time: 2.00 pm - 4.00 pm
Venue: SMK Kampung Nangka
Attire: School Uniform

Diamond Speakers Gavel Club Flyer